CEDLA | Energy transition and environmental conflict in the Andes
The case of lithium extraction in Argentina, by Felix Dorn (University of Vienna)
21 April 2023 | 15.30-17.00 | Amsterdam
CEDLA Lecture & Opening of the Photo Exhibition
The global transition to a ‘green’ energy system is increasing the demand and extraction of certain ‘critical’ resources, including lithium. This growing demand for raw materials has sparked a new debate on the global interdependencies and unevenness of the emergent energy transition. In this lecture, Felix Dorn discusses this strand of literature, and argues that the global interconnections of the green energy transition influence the transition imaginaries, ideas, goals, and decisions of different localities of extraction.
Highlighting actors, institutions, conflicts, narratives and material dimensions, the political economy of lithium mining and energy transition in Argentina reveals the reproduction of an emerging new ‘green’ consensus based on techno-optimism, ecological modernization and green growth.
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