Boekworc discussie: 'The Age of Unpeace - How Connectivity Causes Conflict' over hoe globalisering leidde tot nieuwe tegenstellingen en de inzet van nieuwe wapens - woensdag 16 februari 2022
16 feb | The Age of Unpeace - How Connectivity Causes Conflict
Een boek van auteur Mark Leonard, director of the European Council on Foreign Relations (mei 2021)
"We thought connecting the world would bring lasting peace. Instead, it is driving us apart. In the three decades since the end of the Cold War, global leaders have been integrating the world's economy, transport and communications, breaking down borders in the hope of making war impossible. In doing so, they have unwittingly created a formidable arsenal of weapons for new kinds of conflict and the motivation to keep fighting.
We are now seeing rising conflict at every level, from individuals on social media all the way up to nation-states in entrenched stand-offs. The past decade has seen a new antagonism between the US and China; an inability to co-operate on global issues such as climate change or pandemic response; and a breakdown in the distinction between war and peace, as overseas troops are replaced by sanctions, cyberwar, and the threat of large migrant flows.
In seeking to understand the ways that globalisation has broken its fundamental promise to make our world safer and more prosperous, Leonard explores how we might wrest a more hopeful future from an age of unpeace."
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Zie ook:
- Politico blog door Mark Leonard
- European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
BoekWorc discussie | woensdag 16 februari 2022 | 14:00-16:00 uur | online via Zoom
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